
We have had a number of sightings of a Mama black bear and her four cubs in the Hills over the past three year. Remember, we live in their backyard, not the other way around - so they are exploring as they naturally would. They are most likely drawn to green bins and gardens looking for food sources.
Should you encounter our bear friends - DON'T PANIC! Familiarize yourself with the information in the "THE BEAR FACTS" document here, and do what you can to deter the bears from wanting to visit your property in the first place.
Should you unexpectedly encounter the bear family:
- DO NOT get between Mama and her cubs!
- Stand and face the bear directly. Never run away from or approach a bear.
- Make yourself look as big as possible by spreading your arms and standing tall.
- Make as much noise as possible by yelling, banging pots and pans or using other noise-making devices so the bear won't want to stay in the area.
- CALL 311 and report where and when you saw the bear.
*** Department of Natural Resources does not trap or relocate bears!