Westwood Hills

Residents Association


Snow Plowing Map & Schedule Information

Snowplowing Standards In Westwood Hills & Winter Parking Ban Information

Westwood Hills has three different classifications of roads - each with it's own parameters of priority for snow removal as set out by HRM service standards.

Winter Plowing Priority Map

  • Main arterials
  • Major bus routes
  • Roads with steep inclines
  • Emergency routes to hospitals and streets leading to schools and public buildings.
Goal: To have a plow or salt truck pass through these areas at a minimum of once every three hours and have them clear of snow and ice within 12 hours of the end of a weather event.

  • Residential and rural routes with medium to low volume traffic
  • Gravel roads
  • Private lanes that fall under the municipality’s responsibility
Goal: To start cut-throughs on these streets once accumulations have reached 10 cm and repeated a minimum of every eight (8) hours during extended periods of snow. This allows initial access for emergency vehicles and residents needing to get out of their homes. Crews will return to finish clearing Priority 2 streets, to a snow-covered and passable state within 24 hours of the end of a weather event.

Note: In snowfalls greater than 30 centimeters, or in blizzard conditions, more time is needed to complete clearing. The same exception may apply when there are rapidly changing weather conditions, such as sudden freezing after rain, wet snow packed to ice and freezing rain. Crews will continue working until all streets and sidewalks are clear and safe.

Before contacting 311 to report snow and ice clearing issues, please check the service timelines for streets and sidewalks to confirm when clearing should be completed. If clearing efforts are still within the timelines, residents should not contact 311 as the agent will be unable to dispatch any crew. Please wait until the service timeline has expired before contacting 311. This will ensure those trying to contact 311 with urgent issues are able to reach an agent.

Private lanes within Westwood Hills are not serviced by the Municipality or the Province.  They are entirely the responsibility of the residents who's land they cross.

You might also be interested in this poster from HRM; WHEN WILL MY ROAD BE PLOWED?

Winter Overnight Parking Ban

From Dec 15 to March 31

You can get full details here: https://www.halifax.ca/transportation/cycling-walking/service-updates/parking-ban

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